The New Media Department commissioned the archive of this website as required reading for Jill Andre's course on internet periodicals. Ms. Andre has worked in highly technical fields, including as a DevOps engineer responsible for leading development and testing of new software for TickSystems, a large data mining concern. DevOps is a relatively new discipline combining development with sophisticated toolsets that permit the simultaneous coding and testing of cutting edge applications. She is also an electronic media maven with significant expertise in the history of internet publishing. Students can access the full syllabus for the course from her university webpage.
From 2006 -2010 the French photograper, Philippe Jarrigeon used mikroshow to announce the launch of a new magazine Dorade of which he was one of the founders. Although Dorade was considered at the time a bit obscure. it had interesting photography and layouts. Another description of the magazine is perhaps more illuminating, or not:
Brilliant and sinuous, collector of photographic discoveries and forms of criticism, Dorade is an artistic periodical where mermaids admit to their slightly fishy odour. Dorade is a show, a series of performances, and a statement in serial issues. Neither old nor young, but both naive and sneering: it enjoys drawing poetic parallels between the people and places it examines. Does Dorade draw its inspiration from the people it encounters or is it an inspiration in and of itself? All those who have featured in its pages tend to resemble it, becoming a caricature of themselves – like Dorade, the sponge that absorbs and expectorates them.
Somewhere between a chic shark and a straight talking carp, Dorade enjoys rolling around in breadcrumbs, asking silly questions then gleaning spawning theories, maximising the absurd and pursuing metaphors to the bitter end. Although it may take the joke too far, it knows how to make up for it the next time around.
At least three issues of Dorade were published.
Content is from the site's 2009 -2010 archived pages as well as other sources.
Philippe Jarrigeon
Philippe Jarrigeon
The French "photographer, publisher and more" makes still life excite with his modern take on the absurd.
Philippe Jarrigeon, photographer and publisher, was born in 1982 in France.
He graduated from the ECAL / Switzerland in photography in 2006.
His work has been recently exhibited at La Galerie des Galeries, Galeries Lafayette (2014 – Grand Magasin – a celebrating exhibition of 25 of Andam Prize) ,at the Fotomuseum Winterthur (2009 – Darkside). He has been selected for the International Festival of Fashion and Photography in Hyeres (2008).
He has been commissioned by fashion designers and brands including Baccarat, Chanel, Chloe, Dior, Diptyque, Kenzo or Maison Martin Margiela as well as working with the publications Document, Double, Purple, M le Monde, T Magazine and Vogue.
Since 2009, he has runs his own publication, Dorade revue galante.
Posts 2008 - 2010
Dorade 2, the Villa Issue is out now!
Dorade the first, launching time

We are pleased to invite you to the lauching party of the artistic periodical Dorade's first issue.
The event will take place on Friday the 6th of November from 6.30 pm on at Lucy Mackintosh's gallery in Lausanne, Switzerland.
You will be able to find out about the thing, buy it even, have a drink if you like, or listen to surprising melodies selected by Florence Tétier.
And then, afterwards, leaf through and read all winter long.
This first issue of 148 pages deals with the beginnings.
Zigzagging, critical, poetic and luxurious, Dorade is to be seen as a curatorial space where photographs and paintings, theoretic and allegorical texts, as well as Ladies and Gentlemen interviews are revealed.
Dorade, an independent and bilingual magazine (French-English), based in Paris and Lausanne, published and coordinated by Philippe Jarrigeon and Sylvain Menétrey, sold in Germany, United States of America, France, United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Parisian friends! Do not despair, Dorade the first is expecting you on the 13th of November, just down your street! (we shall let you know shortly).
See you there.
+81 n° 44 - interview
Interview par Natsumi Suzuki.
May, Time To Clown Arround
Avril, le mois des couvertures
En avril, Philippe Jarrigeon réalise les couvertures des magazines Drome et Amusement.
De nouvelles séries vous attendent à l'intérieur.
Innovation to innovation - Nike
Plat (t) form 09 - Fotomuseum Winterthur
Philippe Jarrigeon participera aux rencontres photographiques internationales du Fotomuseum - Winterthur.
Happy New Year!
Lambdat sous verre, 85x66cm - 2008
Mélodie Mousset
Photographie de Philippe Jarrigeon
Mélodie Mousset et Philippe Jarrigeon collaborent et vous souhaitent une année explosive!
Pour information, Mélodie Mousset vernit son exposition Party Animal à la Galerie Marion Meyer le 6 janvier de 19h à 21h. Cette image sera au rendez vous et on espère vous voir nombreux.
Party Animal
07.01.09 - 14.02.09
15 rue Guénégaud
75006 Paris
2008 ou le renouveau de Mikroshow
Pour célébrer cette fin d'année, Gladys que vous avez déjà pu rencontrer au Spectrarium, en novembre, au Pavillon suisse de la Cité Universitaire vous donne rendez vous au 6ème et dernier étage du Centre Pompidou.
Gladys (video - 11' loop - 2007)
Projection at Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.
january 2009.
Léa Fluck, who is in charge of Georges' video programming, wrote for the occasion:
"Gladys is a big single eye and excessively painted with pink and emerald green, on which sparkle glitter and false eyelashes.This" cosmetic panoptic "(Samuel Dubosson) scares and seduces.
While she has no body or is reduced to a blind gaze, the title-first name, Gladys, makes the piece able to pose as a subject. The medieval etymology, which means the mistress of the place, reinforces the idea of ​​virtual surveillance in the manner of Kubrik's brain-computer, HAL 9000.
The spectators, admirers and prisoners, are the toys of this worried look then fixed.
At Georges, Gladys becomes double and loses his status of monstrous Cyclops.
Indeed, as the artist says: "Two eyes (almost a face) are not too much to watch the Parisians still hazy in the first days of January ..."
The image conjures up different horizons: the surrealist passion of a Man Ray, the feminine universe of the casserole, sophisticated totalitarianism or the thousand-year-old superstition, everything embraces at the mercy of the dilettante movements of the iris-creature. Big Sister is watching you. "
Happy New Year to all!
Posted by Regards philippe
1Léa Fluck qui s'occupe de la programmation vidéo du Georges a écrit pour l'occasion ces quelques mots:
Gladys est un gros œil unique et excessivement fardé de rose et vert émeraude, sur lequel scintillent paillettes et faux cils. Ce « panoptique cosmétique » (Samuel Dubosson) effraie et séduit.
Alors qu'elle n'a pas de corps ou qu'il se réduit à un regard aveugle, le 1titre-prénom, Gladys, rend la pièce capable de se poser comme sujet. L'étymologie médiévale qui signifie maîtresse des lieux, renforce l'idée d'une surveillance virtuelle à la façon du cerveau-ordinateur de Kubrik, HAL 9000.
Les spectateurs, admirateurs et prisonniers, sont les jouets de ce regard inquiet puis fixe.
Au Georges, Gladys devient double et perd son statut de cyclope monstrueux.
En effet, comme le dit l'artiste : « Deux yeux (presque un visage) ne sont pas de trop pour surveiller les Parisiens encore vaporeux aux premiers jours de janvier…»
L'image convoque différents horizons : la passion surréaliste d'un Man Ray, l'univers féminin de la cocotte, le totalitarisme sophistiqué ou la superstition millénaire, tout s'embrasse au gré des mouvements dilettantes de l'iris-créature. Big Sister is watching you."
Bonne fin d'année à tous!
Publié par Cordialement philippe